Friday, January 31, 2020

ARTESI | A Linux Infrastructure for Scalable DApps

It's hard to deny the fact that our whole life is complicated. After all, its development and continuation is influenced by too many factors that we sometimes can not control. However, there are a huge number of areas in modern society where the human mind and talent is able to develop a working tool that will not only be extremely convenient to use, but also to apply in practice in your daily life.

One of these tools is the financial system, as well as many other technologies that seek to take control of many operational processes. And one of these processes is blockchain technology. The concept of which is basically focused on improving the quality of many existing processes related to data transfer.


However, no matter how innovative and all-powerful blockchain technology may seem now, it still has a stumbling block that does not allow It to scale quickly and act as a solid environment for developing new infrastructure solutions. This is symbolized by a lot of moments that pop up during the operation and growth of each individual blockchain system. Which, when confirming consensus mechanisms, each network member spends too much time performing this operation.

And this is despite the fact that this structure is not yet used everywhere. Thus, we see that in order to eliminate these problems, new tools are needed that allow not only to eliminate the existing aspect in a qualitative way, but also to be as reliable and safe as possible. This is the decision I want to tell you about today.

About the project and its features

And this solution is called CarteSi. To be more precise, CarteSi is a project with a full range of solutions, acting as a platform through which developers of new Dapps applications will be able to solve just two of the most striking and common problems with the blockchain at the moment in the world.
  • Achieve all the above stated aspects CarteSi a hybrid infrastructure that uses Linux and other components of a non-decentralized chain helps. Which also includes built-in CarteSi machines, as well as nodes that allow you to run large-scale calculations with each new Dapps development.
Since this kind of integration helps to use new technologies that are developing well, with well-known and understandable algorithms, programming languages, and all the related tools and libraries that may be needed at any time when creating a new Dapps application.


The use of such tools allows you to create new portable components for all Dapps that can simultaneously exist both inside and outside the Blockchain chain. Thanks to this, developers of new Dapps applications will be able to free themselves from the complex logistics, idiosyncrasies and other restrictions inherent in the blockchain. Which once again proves to us that the hybrid structure CarteSi reveals new facets for the implementation of high-quality applications that do not limit themselves to a single network of Dapps.

  • Moreover, in order to reduce the gap in the calculation capacity of one structure with another, the developers of CarteSi used the Linex system. Which acts not only as a standalone operating system, but runs on deterministic RISC-V, which naturally allows it to instantly interact with all the host interfaces and capacities of CarteSi. And in order to understand the essence of this process in more detail, I recommend that you watch the following video:


At the same time, do not forget that although the CarteSi platform is a hybrid, it still has an internal token that will be launched to monetize the project. It is important to note that the token itself CTSI is developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain and meets the erc20 Standard. At the same time, the total amount of token delivery will be 1 billion CTSI, which the CarteSi developers intend to distribute during public sales.

Analyzing the CarteSi project roadmap, it is important to note that almost the entire year 2020 will be devoted to the launch of the first CarteSi-based game, as well as the development of other related Dapps applications, including the launch of Testnet and much more.

  • And this is not surprising, since the mission of CarteSi is to help developers who will be able to develop new, better and attractive products for their customers based on the tools and capabilities of CarteSi. And this can not be happy, because we like to use quality services for absolutely everyone.
As for a more structured explanation of all internal processes, consensuses, machines and algorithms present in CarteSi, the official social resources of the project can tell you about Them. Links to which I left at the end of this article. And on this I think I will finish my review. I hope you enjoyed this article. So, thank you for your attention and see you again!

The official resources of the project CarteSi:


Your Telegram @username : @pijayplow93
Your Bitcointalk profile link :;u=2750501
Your email :

Tachyon Protocol - Internet Protocol baru yang terdesentralisasi

Halo pembaca yang budiman! Saya yakin bahwa jika Anda membaca ulasan ini, oleh karena itu, Anda adalah pengguna aktif tidak hanya jaringan sosial ini, tetapi juga pengguna jaringan Internet global secara keseluruhan. Ini pasti luar biasa. Lagi pula, Anda memiliki peluang besar untuk menyerap berbagai kode konten di mana pun Anda berada, yang berarti untuk selalu mengetahui tentang semua berita yang paling relevan.


Tapi, semua ini memiliki sisi lain dari koin. Bagaimanapun, segala sesuatu yang masuk ke akses Internet secara otomatis menjadi rentan bagi pengguna, karena keamanan dunia maya dari banyak platform dan sumber daya. Bahkan keamanan siber dangkal komputer Anda adalah level minimum, atau bahkan mungkin tidak ada. Apa, pada prinsipnya, dibuktikan dengan banyaknya kasus peretasan atau pencurian data dari berbagai jenis pengguna. Selain itu, sangat penting untuk dicatat bahwa benar-benar setiap pengguna dapat menjadi korban kejahatan dunia maya. Dan tidak masalah apakah aksesnya ke Internet bersifat pribadi atau perusahaan. Memang, ini tidak penting bagi penjahat dunia maya, karena tanpa tingkat perlindungan yang tepat Anda adalah korban potensial baginya, dari siapa Anda tidak hanya dapat mencuri beberapa data pribadi dan rahasia,

Tidak diragukan lagi, programmer dan spesialis terbaik yang berjuang siang dan malam berusaha untuk mengembangkan alat yang paling layak dan sangat efektif di seluruh dunia. Akses yang tidak akan dibatasi oleh harga atau penawaran sempit. Dan seperti yang sudah Anda tebak hari ini, kita sekarang akan berbicara tentang salah satu kondisi ini dan itu disebut Protokol Tachyon.

Tentang proyek

Penting untuk dicatat bahwa pengembangan Protokol Tachyon dimulai pada 2016. Ketika tim spesialis mulai mencari solusi teknis untuk semua masalah yang dijelaskan di atas dalam ulasan. Dan seperti yang Anda lihat hari ini, mereka memiliki sesuatu untuk ditawarkan kepada kami. Karena Tachyon Protocol itu sendiri adalah struktur stack yang terdesentralisasi yang kompleks dan sekaligus unik, menggabungkan metode routing multi-rute dan built-in, serta skema perlindungan multi-relay, yang mengembalikan tumpukan protokol TCP / IP yang ketinggalan zaman. Saya tahu itu semua terlihat sangat rumit dan sulit diakses bagi pengguna rata-rata. Namun, jangan menakuti semua kata-kata ilmiah ini. Bagaimanapun, pada kenyataannya, tidak akan ada kesulitan seperti itu dalam menggunakan Protokol Tachyon.

Pada saat yang sama, protokol yang dikembangkan secara khusus akan mendukung semua proses internal dalam Protokol Tachyon, yang masing-masing akan memenuhi fungsi spesifiknya. Jadi, misalnya: Tachyon Security Protocol (TSP) dirancang untuk melindungi jaringan dari berbagai node relay, menggunakan enkripsi gabungan dengan menyembunyikan pola traffic. Namun, Tachyons Booster UDP melengkapi seluruh struktur ini dan yang tujuan utamanya adalah penggunaan teknologi blockchain yang kompeten bersama dengan UDP. Karena itu, secara real time, Anda dapat mengembalikan protokol TCP / IP yang sudah usang, tetapi masih berfungsi dengan baik. Selain itu, Protokol Tachyon juga mencakup TAA Anti-analysis, yang memantau pergerakan paralel Multi-Relay dan Multi-Path Routing. Yang, pada gilirannya, bertanggung jawab atas keamanan semua node aktif dalam jaringan ini. Pada saat yang sama, dalam kerangka Protokol Tachyon ada juga SDK yang terlibat dalam menyiapkan modul API standar, sehingga memastikan penyebaran dan integrasi yang cepat dengan modul. Yang menurut saya juga merupakan keputusan yang tepat.


Singkatnya, Protokol Tachyon dirancang khusus sehingga setiap aplikasi DApps baru yang dibuat berdasarkan kode sumber protokol dapat menerima tingkat tinggi keamanan jaringan dan pribadi, dan juga bertindak sebagai transfer semua data yang berhasil dan efisien. Tentu saja, spesifikasi protokol itu sendiri sangat multi-level, di mana setiap elemen individu itu adalah simpul berteknologi tinggi dengan karakteristik dan tugasnya sendiri.

Oleh karena itu, untuk memahami dan memahami sepenuhnya kedalaman dan skala kemampuan Protokol Tachyon, saya mengundang Anda untuk terjun ke dunia informasi resmi tentang proyek tersebut. Karena itu, jangan buang waktu dengan sia-sia dan lebih baik beralih ke bagian selanjutnya dari artikel saya. Di mana semua sumber daya Protokol Tachyon yang paling penting telah menunggu Anda untuk waktu yang lama.

Dan itu saja untuk hari ini. Saya senang membagikan konsep yang agak menarik dari dunia proyek desentralisasi. Jadi masukkan "Saya suka" dan tulis pendapat Anda tentang ini di komentar.

Sumber Daya Resmi Proyek Protokol Tachyon:

LINKEDIN: https: //www.linkedin. com / company / tachyon-protocol

Nama pengguna : pijayplow93
Alamat Dompet IPX : ARFQgBr7vxaEuX5SuXHmhPUHgVgkDwyezH8

Saturday, January 25, 2020

RideNode - the best cryptocurrency chain for world Transportation


I am confident that each of us wants his life to be happy and safe. And this is normal. But as practice shows, although we live in a relatively peaceful time, our society is regularly exposed to various kinds of dangers. With what local impact. Of course, I am speaking somewhat generically now, but everything has its consequences.

For example, without proper fire safety, people can easily die at the time of a fire, simply through the fault or negligence of some owner of a particular knowledge, or institution. Or the second example, it is difficult to be one hundred percent sure that the next trip in a taxi will not be a new test for you.


It turns out that the well-known global giant for passenger transportation Uber does not meet the proper level of reliability and safety for both drivers and passengers. As evidenced by the presented statistics, where black and white shows how all of us are vulnerable, making the next landing in a particular taxi.
  • Of course, this fact is a threat not only to the life of the company, but also to all its users. After all, in just one day around the world, Uber makes about 15 million trips. Putting at risk just millions of lives around the world.
Against the background of such arguments, I am sure you have a question, but how to change this statistics?! My answer, easy! Especially when there is a ready-made set of solutions to all these problems. The principle of operation of which we are now with you and consider.

About the project and its features

The project that will be discussed now is a decentralized application called BayRide with its internal token RideNode. It is important to note that this application is a kind of similar principle of operation, as well as the usual classic applications for calling a taxi with one very large distinctive advantage.
  • Namely, BayRide is completely decentralized, which means it complies with the three most basic principles of the Blockchain structure, representing a transparent, reliable and secure environment for user communication.

And here again you may have a question, but how can a decentralized application solve all the above problems? The answer is easy. First, when registering in this app, both drivers and users will be subject to the KYC verification system (i.e. the know your customer system). Secondly, all transactions on the provision of services, the cost of the route, the destination will be fixed by means of a smart contract. This means that the driver will not be able to deceive you or deliberately lead you somewhere wrong and commit some crime.

And, third, the same applies to the passenger. After all, Each trip will record data about the passenger, who went where. Naturally, this data will be encrypted. However, in emergency cases, they will be able to shed light on the situation that occurred, which means to catch a fraudster, robber, or worse, a criminal or any other villain.


Moreover, in addition to personal security. Each participant of the trip will get their own advantages. After all, as far as you may know, many drivers of such global giants as Uber & LIFT charge a huge Commission from their drivers. As a result, the driver himself earns too little money. That sometimes brings many drivers to such extremes as suicide. And it's sad.
  • Paying special attention to this fact, the development team intends to provide all its drivers with 0% Commission. Thus removing from them the very shackles of labor that envelop many companies engaged in passenger transportation. And to be honest, I think it's the right thing to do. After all, in addition to the time that the driver spends on work, he also spends his health, nervous system and all these deprivations result in poor health. Which is desirable to correct regular vacation and rest. And as you know, any vacation requires finances.


As for the internal token that will participate in all transactions and payment operations, let me remind you that it is called RideNode. It is important to note that this is a utility token that will act not only as a payment, but also as an authentication of everyday operations related to ground transport, as well as for the security of the entire passenger transport industry.
  • At the same time, the token itself is developed on the basis of the Ethereum Protocol and meets the ERC-20 standard. The total amount of delivery of coins will be as much as 25 billion Ride tokens. Where 70% will be allocated for the IEO.


At the end of my review, I would like to once again draw attention to the fact that the team of developers of this project seeks to bring to our familiar processes more reliable, high-quality and most importantly safe tools for communicating us with each other. Which I think is just a vital necessity.
  • But since the depth and width of the project is huge, I did not have time to show you many important and unique processes of the BayRide application with its internal RideNode token.
Therefore, I invite you to go to my next section of the article, where I have prepared for you all the most important and official resources of the project. And that's all I have. I was glad to share with you a new and in my opinion unique project in the world of blockchain technology. Write your opinion about the project in the comments and do not forget to put a like. After all, this is how you motivate me to write even more and more interesting especially for you!

The official resources of the project:


Username : pijayplow93
ETH : 0xE42555f44ff0d1f38C56540b3FFA4428734dD775

RideNode - a transportation, security and shipping platform that utilizes blockchain technology


It merits thinking about that when the ride is done both the drivers and the travelers utilize the application to rate one another. not at all like the customary cab administrations, where the drivers have no unavoidable enthusiasm for being decent to their travelers, the vast majority of the ride hailing administration drivers will in general be as pleasant as they can to their clients so that toward the finish of the rides the clients will give them a decent evaluating.

Then again, the rating that the driver will give you will be remembered for the general rating that the ride hailing administration application relegates to you. A low in general rating doled out to you by the application might just impact the choice of other ride hailing administration drivers to reject giving you a ride, or in extraordinary cases may prompt the ride hailing administration organization forbidding you from utilizing their administrations.

About Project RideNode.

A RideNode™ is a smart contract and digital currency apparatus that leverages proprietary blockchain technology. The inspiration and vision on which RideNode™ was created upon, to become the First American Blockchain and Digital Currency for the Ride and Transportation sector, comes from how Henry Ford’s Model T went from conceptualization to becoming America’s First affordable automobile that not only opened up new markets, but also united families, improved working conditions, brought prosperity, and elevated the society at a whole.


Within the first few months of RideNode’s™ ICO Launch, RideNodes™ will be utilized in the BayRide Mobile Application and capture a 5% percent market share in the present $220 billion-dollar ride-hailing industry.

“Safety Over Profits” Corporate Policy

BayRide Inc. is an innovative and groundbreaking technology services company that seeks to eliminate antiquated market competitors especially in the ride-hailing industry by first making sure the drivers are paid exactly what they are owed and that passengers are safe and secure from any kind of dangers during their rides. Hence, BayRide Inc. has deployed a 0% Commission structure for drivers.

BayRide Mobile Application and RideNode’s™ Blockchain Technology

BayRide Inc.’s main technology will be its Native Mobile Application technology for both IOS and Android operating systems. This mobile application will be welcomed with open arms in the markets by virtually every end-user because of “letting the markets decide” approach. Every end-user will benefit and stand to gain due to the decentralized structure of this technology, the Blockchain based apparatus. Therefore, the organization will immediately stand out in the market by being The First Technologies Provider Firm to truly implement a Decentralized Platform for the Ride-hailing, Executive Protection, Bodily Security and Courier Industries. 

Current State of Affairs in the Blockchain Technologies Industry
From 2015 to 2017 investors across the globe witnessed the blockchain industry grow 800% in terms of initial coin offerings. Contrary to what many believe, an initial coin offering, also known as ICO, is not the same as an Initial Public Offering, or an IPO. In an IPO setting, investors pay the corporation’s board of directors, investors, and management for a slice of equity either in the form of preferred or common stock.


1. Unsustainable Business Model

The market’s top ride-hailing companies are reporting mind-blowing consecutive financial losses that signals that their current business model is not sustainable in the new digital age. 

2. Nationwide Protests and Strikes by Uber and Lyft drivers
Drivers are currently disgruntled and angry at two conglomerate ride-hailing companies: Uber & Lyft.

3. Uber & Lyft Continue to Show Lack of Concern or Regard for Riders

Competitors such as Lyft and Uber have shown to endanger passengers and severely undervalue drivers to the detriment of both parties involved.

4. Uber and Lyft’s 40% Commission Structure for its Drivers is Extortion

A reasonable person would agree that a 40% cut from drivers is untenable.

5. Passenger Fares are Skyrocketing

Passengers constantly complain about their fares skyrocketing. Reports of falsified price surges prevail throughout the industry.

6. Decline of the Value of Traditional Taxi Medallions Nationwide, Now Worth Virtually Nothing

Taxi cab owners, like the NYC Yellow Cab Owners, who spent a fortune for the city medallions just to operate, now find those medallions devalued significantly and worth virtually nothing.

7. Automation Threatening the Economics of Ride-hailing Markets

Automation in the market means no more driver jobs in the near future and income displacements for several middle-class families.

8. Lack of Accountability for Shareholders by the Current Industry Leaders: Uber and Lyft

Companies like Uber and Lyft are taking massive advantage of their shareholders and investors evidenced by the first Quarter 2019 earning reports of record losses. Essentially, these market companies are insolvent, and thus investors are going to suffer massive losses. 


BayRide Incorporated is the most technologically advanced ride/transportation, security, and delivery organization which has positioned itself to disrupt the present-day ride-hailing market particularly, and to revolutionize it by assimilating the security and courier industries.

1. The BayRide Mobile Application – THE GREAT DISRUPTER

BayRide Inc. is the FIRST ridesharing and ride-hailing mobile application that leverages not only the Blockchain technology

2. RideNode™ – Commencing the Decentralization Process in the Ride-hailing Market

Imagine not having to worry about currency exchanges to get a ride from the airport to your hotel. 

BayRide Inc.’s proprietary patent-pending technology called “S.M.A.R.T.CHAIN™”

4. S.M.A.R.T.FARE™

RideNodes™ are introduced in the BayRide Mobile Application as a digital currency payment option.

5. Ride.P.A.L.™

Ride.P.A.L.™ stands for Ride Providing Accurate Location. 

6. RideEx™- An On-Demand Package Delivery Service for Extreme and Necessary Situations

RideEx™ is a DISTRIBUTED CHAIN DELIVERY & COURIER LOGISTICAL APPARATUS TECHNOLOGY (“D.C.D.C.L.A.T.” is provisionally patent pending as a utility)

7. RideGuard™- A Beautiful Combination of the Executive Protection Industry Utilizing the Current Market of Ride-hailing

Bayride Inc. was founded on the principle of Safety over Profits

8. Ride-hailing Automobile Operators Union

For the first time in the ride-hailing industry, BayRide Inc.

9. The OnAir™ Initiative

This service (where available) provides next level security by sending drones to the troubled locations.

10. Digital Medallions – DRIV tokens

BayRide Inc. understands that the future of the ride-hailing industry must work together with 


1. Utility vs. Security Tokens: A Recap

As per the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), whenever a company chooses to raise funds via an ICO, an in depth and thorough analysis by the start-up company itself must be conducted to determine whether that particular ICO is executing a sale of securities, hence security tokens, or is selling specific use tokens, better known as utility tokens.

2. The Howey Test Analysis

The Supreme Court case of SEC vs. Howey established the test for whether an arrangement involves an investment contract. 

Use Cases

IEO Campaigns
  • Token Development and IEO Marketing.
Best Token Practices
  • Legal governance, risk management, and compliance.
Unique Size of Market
  • Starting at the end of 2019, RIDE can be utilized for many purposes.
Operational platform
  • Decentralized Platform for Tokens and Smart Contracts.
The RideNode™ IEO at p2pb2b will consist of selling 10 billion tokens in 4 sessions of 2.5 billion each

You can buy tokens via BTC, ETH, USD, USDT

  • session 1 – Nov 22 – Dec 06, 2019
  • session 2 – Dec 20, 2019 – Jan 03, 2020
  • session 3 – Jan 10, 2020 – Jan 24, 2020
  • session 4 – Jan 31, 2020 – Feb 14, 2020
Token Info

Current RIDE price in USD: 0.05

Tokens on sale: 10000000000

Soft Cap (USD): 5000000

Hard Cap (USD): 500000000

IEO on p2pb2b
  • Token name: Ride Node
  • Ticker Symbol: RIDE
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Tokens on sale: 10000000000
  • Token Price: 1 RIDE = $0.05 USD
  • Accepted currencies: BTC/ETH/USD/UDT
  • Soft Cap: $5,000,000
  • Hard Cap: $500,000,000
  • IEO Period: 11/22/2019 to 02/14/2020 (4 sessions)
Allocation of tokens

Total token supply – 25000000000
  • 70% Public sale
  • 10% Ambassadors & Bounty Programs
  • 20% Founders and Team
Road Map


ETH : 0xE42555f44ff0d1f38C56540b3FFA4428734dD775

Quantum Hedge Fund - provides high quality capital management services for all crypto investors

Agree, the world of financial relationships has long ceased to be the way we remember it so 20 years ago. What used to require a lot of effort, time and resources can be done in a matter of minutes. At the same time, do everything as quickly and economically as possible.


However, no matter how convenient the structure of financial markets and the relationships present in them are now. It still has its own problems and barriers that need and most importantly can be eradicated. And these same problems are connected primarily with weak traditional systems, which are partly outdated before the technologies that have come to our world.

Therefore, at the intersection of interests, technologies and existing working tools, a new concept has emerged that is ready to show us all the best aspects of its capabilities. Consider which, in more detail, I now offer you.

About the project

The project that will be discussed now is called Quantum (abbreviated QHF). It is important to note that Quantum is a hedge Fund founded by a group of specialists in the management and creation of algorithmic methods of asset management. Adding to the list of its capabilities is also the development and administration of various electronic systems, which makes Quantum not only reliable, but also a competitive participant in the financial market. At the same time, focusing on its most important and can be said to be the primary goal, namely to provide the highest quality capital management services for all crypto investors.
  • I know it all sounds very complicated and confusing, but I assure you, in this article I will try to tell you as generally as possible what is actually the advantage of Quantum.

Peculiar properties

And I'll probably start with the main features of Quantum, which fortunately is enough to understand the direction vector of the entire project. And the first thing that is worth noting is that the founders of Quantum strive to comply with the new trading protocols high security thereby reducing all operational risks. While maintaining and improving manually all the algorithmic methods of asset management.
  • This in turn allows not only to comply with the strict rules of the chosen jurisdiction, but also the industry rules of the Fund itself. As a result of this kind of policy Quantum contributes to the high efficiency of all operations with any cryptocurrency assets.
Providing the highest level of security for client assets, where access to data is limited not only by multi-level access protocols, but also by a specially designed smart contract, as well as an additional electronic security system. As you can see, the founding team is very serious. After all, initially the Fund itself was created in strict accordance with all the inherent legal norms, which means that it is listed in the regulatory authorities and has all the necessary licenses.


As you have already understood, Quantum is a kind of hybrid, where most of the obligations are assumed by a group of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in asset management. Making them not only the highest quality, but also safe management within the framework of this hedge Fund.
  • But, despite the presence of traditional elements of algorithmic support, Quantum still has a number of advantages that the decentralized Blockchain technology gives it. Namely, transparency, reliability and security of all operations. That is why the team of specialists has something to demonstrate in the market of modern financial services.
Bypassing not only unstable, but also other trading moments that can easily damage the user's assets. That's why Quantum in its work uses more than one combination of different algorithms, each of which is checked not only automatically, but also manually. Based on many years of experience of the best traders of its kind.

Which, after algorithmic testing of market data, determine the historical data, further test them, then make some adjustments and only then run it on the real market. This kind of process contributes to high-quality trading, and therefore profits for its users.


Summing up a small summary of all the above. I would like to note a very unusual, but interesting approach of the Quantum team to the creation of new market relations. Of course, Quantum is something more than I have already told you about it.
  • Therefore, to complete the picture of clarity about what Quantum and for what it can be useful to you. I strongly recommend that you read the Fund through its official resources. Links which I have prepared in advance directly for you.
At the same time, I sincerely hope that you liked my article. If Yes, then support it with your like and comment. And don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already. After all, the only way you will stay up to date with all the most interesting in my opinion crypto projects. I was glad to try and see you again!

The official resources of the project Quantum:


Username : pijayplow93