- It is a continuous sequential chain of blocks (a linked list) built according to certain rules; each next block has a hash of the previous block.
Historical Review Of The Industry
The history of Blockchain goes back to 2008 when the Bitcoin cryptocurrency came out.
- In Bitcoin, a blockchain serves this cryptocurrency only with two smart contracts.
- All the attempts to formalize the majority of events with smart contracts in a single blockchain platform have not led to success so far.
- The first generation blockchain consisted of the first currency such as Bitcoin, based on Proof Of Work (PoW), its various clones and forks. This bitcoin initiative is now called blockchain 1;
- The second generation of blockchain is more heterogeneous, based on the use of tokens such as Ethereum and solutions of its ecosystem. These two categories are characterized by very low energy efficiency and low transaction rates. we call it blockchain 2 now.
- The third generation of blockchain 3 includes those with which they tried to answer questions regarding transaction speed and the impossibility of scaling using various mechanisms;
- Blockchain 4.0 - all the best features of 3rd generation blockchain (faster consensus, ultra-fast transaction confirmation) are included.
- Relictum Pro is Blockchain 5.0:

The new network will include all previous blockchain features along with revolutionary innovations
- At the end of the 70s – the beginning of the 80s, new types of networks appeared, as new types of processors appeared, network cards that had to exchange data with each other and a network protocol called x32 appeared. This protocol allowed connecting to computers of various network configurations: star, ring, mixed network communications — i.e., Ethernet.
- It is still used in all network connections – inside data centers, WiFi. The protocol works over wired connections, radio channels, satellite channels, Ethernet networks. With the increasing number of computers and the distance between them, the use of Ethernet has become problematic.
- Ethernet is a network protocol; it operates under the control of a circuit switching network, i.e., The channels themselves are commuting. The Internet is a packet switching network with four-zone addresses, the so-called IP addresses.
- Addresses are interconnected at the time for transferring a single packet, and when the packet is transmitted, this connection is broken. Since the Internet does not allow to transmit a message without fail, this is accomplished by using a confirmation for which time must be spent, this protocol works at the upper network layer, including the application layer.

With the development of blockchain technology and blockchain-based applications, new problems are emerging. For example, the inability to scale when applying this technology in large-scale projects, the lack of support for different business scenarios and the inability to exchange information and assets between different blockchains. This hinders both the technology itself and the development of the ecosystem as a whole.
At the moment, the really working blockchain is Bitcoin, the rest are based on Bitcoin – the so called forks.
- A blockchain is only a part of the cryptocurrency in these systems; it serves only its own cryptocurrency.
Solution. Proof of Tsar
- In order to solve existing problems, we propose several changes in the architecture of the blockchain, affecting communication protocols, network infrastructure, inter-network agreements, consensus algorithms, and so on.
- Relictum Pro platform does not depend on the communication method, it is just a node, and how the message is delivered does not matter;
- At the moment, HyperNet's own communications technology is being used; it works over or on top of the Internet;
- The following networking method in the future can be used based on Bluetooth, WiFi, satellite communications, i.e., channel switching based on Bluetooth and/or WiFi and other promising protocols.
- As a transport, we use a new type of network based on the fourth-level data network of the OSI model. _HyperNet is a virtual channel switching network.

The distinctive mechanism is as follows: only the hash of one event (transaction) is recorded in the block, it cannot be changed.
Thus, all kinds of collisions are swept aside. In addition to recording the event hash into the block, when forming a new block, the entire hash of the previous block and + integer value is taken (we put the sequential block number in front of the block). There is a main chain of blocks – Master_Chain, which contains only the hash of a block of lower and side smart contracts.
In parallel with the main Master_Chain, various independent chains are formed – these are smart contracts that organize the three-dimensional distribution, for example:
- first smart contract — generation of tokens;
- second smart contract — sale of goods through the store;
- third — a crypto exchange;
- fourth — delivery of goods, etc.

Tokenomic model of GTN tokens genesis
- Total emission genesis of GTN tokens, pcs : 10 000 000 000 GTN
- Accommodation rate 1 GTN, : $ 0,0045
- Total : 100%

RLC Distribution model of the commissioning forging of the RLC stable-coin:
The resulting RLC stable forcing fees will be automatically distributed based on the corresponding smart contract in the following order:
- Rewards to General-nodes (further distribution by coefficients) : 50%
- Tsar-node reward : 31%
- Royalty for the use of IP Relictum Pro. Holders of the genesis of GTN tokens : 19%

- The finalization of the switching networkof virtual channels to the beta version - 2 months*
- The completion of the node to the beta version - 2 months
- Creating distributed -storage - (starts from the 4th month)
- Portfolio Refinement
- Creating a distributed exchange - (4 months)
- Finalization of the SOCKET, SDK,API

- Our team includes highly qualified technical specialists from various fields of science and technology, which guarantees a voluminous and broad view of the product being produced.
- Software solutions are developed by an experienced staff of programmers working in low-level programming languages with extensive experience in the field of cryptography in Delphi, C, Pascal.
- Our team also includes the experienced system programmers, client-server technology specialists, PhD-level mathematics analysts, programmers in cross-platform transformations, banking specialists, etc.

- Relictum Pro is a fully distributed and decentralized platform, which includes all areas of human activity, ranging from the sale of goods and services (both legal entities and individuals except intermediaries) to complete logistics of the movement of goods and production.
- Relictum Pro is a blockchain platform describing (formalizing) in any event. It can work both in private mode in closed structures, describing the entire document flow, and at the level of the international single global economy. At the same time, a one-way private <- share. correlation is possible.
- Relictum Pro is a global platform covering all aspects of a person’s economic life in a distributed registry
Website: https://relictum.pro/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/relictumpr/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/relictumpro
Medium: https://medium.com/@relictumpro
Whitepaper: https://relictum.pro/cabinet/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/Relictum_Pro_Official
Username : pijayplow93
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750501
ETH : 0xE42555f44ff0d1f38C56540b3FFA4428734dD775
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