Using a combination of open market arbitrage incentives and decentralized oracle voting, the Terra protocol creates stablecoins that consistently track the price of any fiat currency.
The Terra protocol is the leading decentralized and open-source public blockchain protocol for algorithmic stablecoins. Using a combination of open market arbitrage incentives and decentralized oracle voting, the Terra protocol creates stablecoins that consistently track the price of US dollars, gold, and digital currencies.
These ‘Terra’ coins are asset-backed tokens that can be used in any subsequent decentralized applications (dApps). For more information visit http://terrachain.io .
The Terra Protocol is an open source decentralized stablecoin protocol built on top of the Ethereum blockchain that leverages smart contracts to guarantee the price of a token will track the price of a fiat currency.
The technology behind the creation of the Terra protocol enables us to create an environment for stablecoins that can be both decentralized and transparent. It does not rely on price feed data from a human-driven organization or authority, nor does it rely on the underlying value of a commodity that could be depleted at any time.
We created the Terra protocol because we believe everyone should have access to fast and transparent liquidity in the cryptocurrency markets. Our open-source technology was built to reduce transaction times, eliminate network fees, and provide more transparent value transfers during market crashes.
We are working hard to create a stable payment rail to allow people to use cryptocurrencies without having to worry about price fluctuations.
Our social media feeds are a part of our daily lives. Chances are you check Twitter, or Facebook every day and are familiar with our posts.
What if we told you that cryptocurrencies and the blockchain are now just a click away from your personal Twitter accounts?
By integrating Terra’s stablecoin protocol, LUNI is creating the possibility for people to follow the cryptocurrency market 24/7 without the worry of price volatility.
We built the Terra protocol to help bring stability to cryptocurrencies, and we’re always looking for ways to make things better. This is why today we are announcing, an exclusive partnership with Luni, a new app that brings cryptocurrency market tweets directly into your phone.
The Terra Protocol is an open source and decentralized protocol that provides a stable price feed to your smart contracts so they can consistently rely on real world assets. It has open sourced the biggest blockchain data market where any dApp with access can get stable pricing data in real-time.
LUNI is an app that gives you instant access to cryptocurrency market data. Whether you’re an experienced trader or a total newbie, Luni is the fastest, most secure way to track your crypto portfolio and make informed decisions. Keep your finger on the pulse of the market without all the complicated jargon and technical mumbo jumbo.
Cryptocurrency market data allows us to see our holdings and track price movements back to their original source. We can leverage this data to build sensible decision making models that tell us exactly when to sell or buy cryptocurrencies based on their price movement.
This will help you capitalize on every opportunity, allowing you to make smart decisions regarding your cryptocurrency portfolio.
The Terra protocol is a new blockchain that serves as a distributed state channel network, and has two tokens. The Terra Network Token (TNT) represents the right to reclaim fees burned by LUNI. LUNI is a stablecoin with a $1 peg to the US Dollar. We apply a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm for security and use the Terra protocol to track the price of USD.
- Website: http://luniofficial.com
- Whitepaper: https://docs.terra.money/Concepts/Protocol.html#terra-and-luna
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LUNIonTerra
- Telegram: http://t.me/LUNIonTerra
- Discord: http://discord.gg/B8FA9fFHT9
- YouTube: http://tinyurl.com/LUNIonTerra
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750501
TerraStation Wallet : terra195zs45c5herayxcpyx0cz53u53nq89u783p0jp
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