In the game business, there has been a tremendous change over the years; However, the move was picked up by IKONIC as an opportunity, giving fans and users the privilege of owning and sharing the greatest moment in sports history. E-sports companies and events can raise millions of dollars with IKONIC as a new channel of communication with their fans. You can generate NFT tokens with just a few clicks or multiple clicks and they will be available for trading on the IKONIC marketplace.
Ikonic and the opportunities it offers
IKONIC is more than just an e-commerce platform. It was a team effort. Community can achieve great things because we all love the game.
The creation of a game service platform will enable the creation of new, exciting and innovative game titles.
Create IDIE blockchain gaming platform to generate revenue for daily gaming on metaverse.
Expand the marketplace for all in-game content to keep up with the growth of new games.
The boom of eSports and the blockchain earthquake are two of IKONIC's visions for the future. While part of the broader game metaverse, these visions offer opportunity and represent great economic opportunity in their own right. IKONIC will benefit from the rich, Latino synergy that exists between these two movements.
After Ikonic's efforts,
The video game scene is growing in seconds at NFT, IKONIC NFT Marketplace, IKONIC showing you NFT and launching eSports partnerships are some of the ways IKONIC uses it.
IKONIC will provide a video clip for smooth NFT transmission experience. Video material can now be enriched with advanced and basic edits, such as custom layouts and effects, on Instagram and tiktok. It is also easy to learn and very fun to play. Amateur and professional gamers will be able to capture and share gaming memories with followers and friends on a mass-market-friendly platform that will be gradually developed. Users will be able to earn royalties and sub-licensing rights through the platform.
In the Ikonic Marketplace:
NFT Game Clips are the heart of the IKONIC market, making it easy for players to monetize their recorded gaming experiences.
The partnership with IKONIC will allow the best eSports teams to interact with their supporters and engage a wider audience. In addition, IKONIC's broad, friendly brand and social experience will benefit these partners by bringing incredible memories to video games. Sub-license options in IKONIC NFT templates will also be available to them, allowing them to build new and exciting ways to generate money and gain followers.
It's Ikonic's unique business model that shows the world more amazing game creations, where developers can trust that they have a large player base to share their games with. All with a one-month subscription, which gives members of the IKONIC community access to an extensive collection of compelling titles. This is a concept inspired by Netflix.
Tokenomics or Ikonic Network Token (IKONIC) To Euro (EUR) price history
The game's super-inverse economy will be powered by IKONIC, which is based on the BSC blockchain and has a total of 2.5 billion tokens. As a community-based smart contract, the IKONIC currency will start by focusing on incentives for the community. Once done, they can move on to other aspects of the reward concept. IKONIC aims to design and evaluate the interpretation of natural community building activity on IKONIC. iKONIC's NFT products and services will open a huge market. Tokenomics can be found below.
97 percent of the Token Emission Plan will be used daily for the next 18 months, starting from 181 after the token is reported (about 5 percent per month)
With that said, 5% is unlocked; 95% remaining each day for the following year, starting from the 91st day after listing (approximately 8% per month)
80% vest every day for three months from the date of listing; 20% unlocked at time of listing (approximately 27% per month)
181st day after listing: Advisors pay daily for 30 months, starting at 181 (about 3% per month)
A group and company wear clothes every day for the next 36 months, starting at 361 after the company equitizes (about 3% per month)
Every day for 35 months, starting on the 31st day after they are named (about 3 percent per month)
Vestwork begins on the 361st day after listing and continues for 48 months (approximately 2% per month)
For 45 months, starting in the 91st year after the company was founded, the vest was worn every day (about 2% per month).
At the time of listing, 20% of equity is unlocked and the remaining 80% is used daily for the next 16 months.
Community Rewards - Coins are created based on the number of people participating in reward promotions.
Within 48 months of the 361st day after listing, the General Reserve will wear a vest (approximately 2% per month)

- Token name: IKONIC
- Tоtаl ѕuррlу: 2,500,000,000
- Hаrd cap: $6,000,000
- Seed ѕаlе: $2,000,000
- Strаtеgіс ѕаlе: $2,000,000
- Publіс ѕаlе: $2,000,000
- Inіtіаl market сар: $3,200,000
- Inіtіаl сіrсulаtіng ѕuррlу: 157,916,667
- Total dіlutеd market cap: $50,000,000

Gaming and nfts concepts have been brought to life by blockchain technology and Ikonic is a great solution that brings merchants, gamers and eSports players together to produce, collect and deliver translated assets from every second they spend in the metaverse ecosystem. Please see the official links I provide below to learn more about the Ikonic concept.
- Website:
- Whitepaper:
- Twitter:
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- Youtube:
Profile :;u=2750501
Wallet Address: 0x476366b6839e2046bE2DCf258476633cAE21195e
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